Imprint - Privacy

Owner of all rights and information:

Residence Remi - Pension Helen
d. M. Gamper & Co. KG/Sas
Madonna di Senales 98
39020 Senales (BZ)

VAT and Tax n: IT01508280219

CIR: 021091-00000321

Register of Companies of Bolzano N. 01508280219
Tel.: +39 0473 669 647 - Fax +39 0473 669 647


On this page, Pension Helen di M. Gamper & Co. Sas (hereafter “Residence Remi”) explains how it handles data for the users who visit its website and the behaviour of the cookies its site installs.
This Privacy Policy is provided in compliance with article 13 of GDPR 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, the European regulation on the protection of personal data), Recommendation no. 2/2001 by the Workgroup under article 29 and the general Act of the Garante Privacy [the Italian Data Protection Authority] on cookies no. 229 of 8 May 2014.
The following information applies only to the site
the data controller is not responsible for any data entered or cookies installed by other sites that may be consulted using links.

Purposes of processing and the requirement to provide data:

Residence Remi handles the data that the user voluntarily enters using the forms present on the site only in order to respond to your request. Any other purposes (by way of example and not comprehensively, marketing purposes or communicating your data to companies with which we have a partnership for their own marketing purposes) will be subject to an explicit and substantiated request for your specific and voluntary consent, separately from that required for answering your questions.
Your provision of data and consent to its processing are necessary to follow up on your requests; your agreement to its processing for other purposes is voluntary.
For the data acquired by our site through the installation of cookies, please refer to that specific section (‘Cookies on our site’).

Processing methods, automated decision-making processes and data storage times:

Your data is processed by computer, although there may be some processing in paper form. Automated decision-making processes are not used to process your personal data.
Personal data about you, collected through the forms on our website, will be stored for the time necessary to provide a response to your requests. Where there are further regulations that impose a longer storage time, we will comply with these regulations. Data collected by cookies will be stored for the length of time established by the individual cookies.

Communication, distribution and transfer of data to third-party countries or international organisations:

Your data will not be communicated nor distributed to third parties by Residence Remi without your specific and voluntary consent. Any data communicated by you will not be transferred by us to countries or international organisations outside of the EU.

Subject’s rights and complaints to Garante Privacy

You have the right at any time to ask us for access to the data stored about you, to modify, consolidate or delete it, to limit or deny consent to its processing when there are legitimate reasons, as well as to transfer that data to another data controller. We will provide a written response within 30 days. You can at any time revoke the consent granted on this site by contacting one of the addresses indicated in the section ‘Information on the data controller and any data protection officer’. You can also submit a complaint to the national controlling authority if you believe that your data has been processed unlawfully.

Information on the data controller.

The data controller is Pension Helen di M. Gamper & Co. Sas (“Residence Remi“), with legal offices at Madonna di Senales 98, 39020 Val Senales (BZ).
To exercise your rights under the regulations and further specified above, you can contact the data controller at his/her office or by calling 0473 669 647 or sending an email to or


Navigation data

This website implicitly acquires, using Internet communications protocols, for and in the course of its normal operations, some personal data on the users who access the site, like IP address, domain names of the computers used for access, MAC addresses assigned by network and wireless card manufacturers, etc.
This information is not collected for the purpose of identifying users, but this could be done by associations and processing, including cross-referencing with third-party data; statistical information is obtained from this data on site usage and operations and further information in cases of establishing responsibility related to computer crimes.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text strings that the websites visited by a user install on the user’s terminal; these strings are then re-transmitted to the site that installed them upon further visits by the user. When the user also receives cookies sent by other sites or web servers during site navigation, those cookies are called third-party cookies.
Cookies are installed for various purposes, possibly including the performance of computer authentications, navigation session monitoring, and language choice.

First-party cookies and third-party cookies

The cookies that are installed directly by Residence Remi are called ‘First-party cookies’, and the cookies that are installed and acquired by a site other than the one the user is navigating are called ‘Third-party cookies’.
Third-party cookies may include social media buttons (or social media plug-ins), which allow the site to interact with the most popular social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., or Google Analytics cookies, which are necessary to implement YouTube iframes, etc. As regards third-party cookies, it is the responsibility of the third parties installing those cookies to provide statements and information on the handling of the data collected.

Types of cookies

Technical cookies

These are normally installed directly by the site administrators and are cookies that allow communications between the site and the user. They can be navigation cookies or session cookies, used to ensure normal navigation and use of the site and normally persisting for as long the site is being navigated, or functional cookies, which allow better use of the site, like cookies related to the choice of language used on the site, adding selected items to an online shopping cart, etc.
As these cookies are necessary for the functioning of the site, it is not necessary to obtain prior consent for their installation on the user’s terminal.

Analytical cookies

These are cookies that allow the collection of user information, for example, the number of users who visit the site and how they visit the site, in a more or less aggregated form. One of the best-known tools for obtaining such statistical reports is Google Analytics, a service provided by Google Inc.
Analytical cookies are similar to technical cookies when the information collected is in aggregate form and it is not possible to identify the habits of an individual user; regarding Google Analytics cookies specifically, it will be necessary to anonymise, at least partially, the IP address of the user who visits the site and to prevent data being shared with Google. When this anonymization and prevention of sharing is not possible, these cookies fall under the category of profiling cookies.

Profiling cookies

These are used to track a user’s preference and offer him/her advertising messages based on those preferences. These cookies are especially invasive, and it is necessary to obtain the user’s consent before installing them on the user’s terminal.

First access banner

In the event cookies other than technical cookies are used, the Act of 8 May 2014 by the Garante Privacy requires the site to provide a banner when a user first accesses the site (called a short notice) that summarises information on the processing methods the site uses for cookies, with a reference to its full privacy policy.
Residence Remi doesn’t use cookies, so it is not required to provide the banner.

List of cookies installed by Residence Remi

Our website doesn’t install cookies:

Procedures for disabling cookies
Google Chrome: Google Chrome
Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox: Mozilla Firefox
Safari: Safari

Pages production, technical support and advertising by:

Grafik GrünerGrafik Grüner
Madonna 81
I-39020 Val Senales - Italy


Copyright Images: Family Gamper, Hubert Grüner, Ass. Turistica Val Senales.
© 2015